Henry Jernigan is a highly regarded pro-life speaker who has worked professionally in film, TV, radio, and theater. His messages combine humor and real-life circumstances to enlighten communities about the amazing work of pro-LIFE organizations motivating people to get involved. Consistently listed as one of Ambassador’s top producing speakers, Henry effectively communicates that God has a plan and purpose for every life...regardless of circumstances!
thejerniganLIFE Family YouTube Channel:
In addition to speaking, Henry films and produces content for his family’s new YouTube Channel called thejerniganLIFE. You’re invited to follow along on YouTube and Instagram as the entire Jernigan family celebrates LIFE, loves God and people the best they know how, all while capturing their crazy, sometimes chaotic, yet always fun family adventures!
thejerniganLIFE Story:
Henry lives near Raleigh, NC with his wife, Elizabeth, and their four children: Pierce, Darcy, Rhys, and Corinne Elyse.
"We were able to raise more funds this year with 121 fewer attendees because Henry's message was right on point. His sincerity and authenticity make him very likable which allowed our donors to connect with him and his story."
"Henry was very personable and has a great sense of humor! Everyone was touched by his story highlighting the value of life and we all enjoyed having his son, Pierce, along with him!"
“I would highly recommend Henry Jernigan! He captivated our audience and the giving per table was higher than in previous years. Henry is very kind and humble, yet his message is very pointed and direct and sprinkled with just the right amount of humor.”
"I’ve had all the top recognizable names speak at my banquet, but we made the most with Henry raising over $105,000!!! Henry not only had a very powerful pro-life message, but was the first speaker I’ve seen who effectively tied his story back into the appeal!"