Melinda Delahoyde


Melinda Delahoyde


TRAVELS FROM: North Carolina


Melinda Delahoyde Former President of Care Net International

Melinda Delahoyde's passion for the pro-life message has informed her entire career. A lifelong leader in the pregnancy center movement, Melinda was appointed President of Care Net in 2008. Melinda has worked with Care Net from its inception, serving in various roles both on staff and on the Board of Directors.

Melinda has been strategically involved in a host of non-profit organizations focused on life and bioethics issues. Before coming to Care Net, Melinda led the educational outreach for Americans United for Life. She initially joined Care Net to serve as the director of special projects before becoming a member of the Board of Directors. After serving in the position of Board Secretary, she was appointed to the position of Chairman in 2003. She retired from Care Net in 2013.

An accomplished writer, Melinda is the author of Fighting for Life (Crossway Books, 1984), co-editor of Infanticide and the Handicapped Newborn (Brigham Young University Press, 1982), and contributing author to three additional books, including one with Christian philosopher Francis A. Schaeffer and another with top publisher Thomas Nelson. She has authored many articles on life and bioethics published in a variety of publications and websites, including Christianity Today, Religion and Society Report, Moody Monthly, Christian Life, Outcomes, and WorldNetDaily.

Melinda is a sought-after spokesperson in the media on pregnancy centers and the emerging culture of life. She has been quoted widely by Associated Press, Christianity Today, TIME, WORLD, Gannett News, National Catholic Register, and Baptist Press and has appeared on CBN’s “700 Club”, Moody Radio’s “In the Market with Janet Parshall,” Salem Radio News, and Family News in Focus. She also was a featured panelist on the Annenberg Media Channel in a series on “Ethics in America.”

From her wealth of experience as a leader in the pro-life, non-profit arena, Melinda is well-respected among the broader faith-based community of organizations. In 2010, she was elected to the Board of Directors of Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA).

Melinda graduated from the University of California, Irvine with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy and received a Masters of Arts in Philosophy of Religion from Trinity Divinity School.

Melinda and her husband are from Raleigh, North Carolina and have four children.

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Event Reviews

“Melinda is a gem with a long history in pro-life ministry. She is easy to work with and knows how to appeal to a pro-life audience.”

— Muskegon Pregnancy Services

"Melinda did an extraordinary job speaking to the banquet attendees, challenging the church as a whole, and making Liberty Women’s Clinic's function in our community very relevant on multiple levels. Her ability to communicate seemed to really affect our attendees and we have heard nothing but positive remarks from the audience. Her poise and wealth of knowledge engaged our audience and she prompted them to give exactly how God was leading them. Her reminder that we are all in this fight together led to an exciting night of God touching hearts to be moved to action. We could not be more pleased!"

— Liberty Women's Clinic

"Melinda Delahoyde was the keynote speaker at our 23rd annual fundraising banquet. She brought with her the beauty of the Lord and a smile that lights the room as she met our board and staff. This carried through dinner, which was a great success with new donors and volunteers. Melinda has a style that draws each person into the presence of the what the Lord has in store for the evening. She shared from her heart the path that God has had her on and her determination to stand for Life with every opportunity she is granted. Each person in attendance was captivated by her warmth, humor and love for women and the choices they face. I would recommend blessing your supporters with the opporunity to hear this incredible servant."

— Family Life Pregnancy Center


  • Every Life is Beautiful: Melinda and Will Delahoyde: 2.02 min

  • Melinda Delahoyde: 39.57 min




I love working with all of you because you truly care and take care of all that needs to be taken care…You are awesome! — C. C. Hope House and The Grabriel Project


Gloria is always a joy to work with!  Her positive attitude and energy is just what I needed to calm me during the last few days prior to the event! — Pregnancy Support Center of Southside Virginia


Ambassador, your team is AWESOME! Your turn-key service allows us to focus on the other elements of our events. — Orchards Community Church


We appreciate your willingness to jump in at the last minute. You clearly understood the urgency of our situation, and responded quickly with a list of available speakers who fit our needs. You demonstrated a genuine personal desire to help solve our problem. After we selected a speaker, you made the process easy instead of requiring us to jump through numerous hoops. — CTI Group Adventure