A night with Kirk Walden is an evening filled with humor, challenge, vision and hope.
Kirk’s journey into pregnancy help ministry— where he has served for more than 30 years— leads through life as a sports writer, professional golfer, and even nine years as a single dad.
Kirk is also author of The Wall, a book sweeping through the pro-life community with a powerful message—outlining a path to ending abortion as we know it in the next decade. His home on the web is www.kirkwalden.com.
In addition to his speaking and writing, Kirk has served as an Advancement Specialist for Heartbeat International, the world’s largest affiliate network for the pregnancy help community.
When you hear Kirk, leave the challenges of the day behind and get ready to laugh with a speaker with whom everyone can identify.
In addition, be prepared for a surprising view on the true impact of pregnancy help ministries all over the country. If you are ready to create a true culture of life in America—Kirk brings a powerful perspective on how the battle will be won in this generation.
Kirk lives in Hendersonville, Tenn.—a Nashville suburb—with his wife Jennifer. They have five children, ranging in age from 32 to 12. Now there’s another story waiting to be told!
"Kirk and Jennifer went above and beyond to meet with us regularly as we were trying to be creative with the format of our event. He spent a significant amount of time brainstorming with us as we were navigating many twists and turns to meet our goals. With Kirks help, we created a "movie/documentary" of our center that was shown in an IMAX theater. Because Kirk and Jennifer had been to our center before, they really contributed by validating our organization and the work we do from a higher level outside perspective of someone who really knows how PHC's should run. They made our center more credible to our donors, and of course, they exude love for others and family values. We are so grateful!"
"The tools Kirk provided before the banquet, the personal communication he had with our Table Hosts and his accessibility made him the most helpful & invested speaker we have ever had! We nearly doubled the amount we raised last year & this is following the launch of our Building Campaign in June of this year."
"Our Banquet went fantastic! Kirk is so personable and everyone really enjoys being with him. His humor quickly got everyone ready to listen, and he truly shared from his heart with a passion to make abortion unthinkable. We are so thankful for him coming to serve with us in this capacity, and will enjoy having him return someday, I’m sure."
"(We) had a 48% increase over last year, and the average gift given increased by 43%! And I know that more seeds were planted for additional gifts down the road by the vision Kirk delivered--a vision of abortion becoming unthinkable in this country in our lifetimes because of the work of pregnancy centers like ours. We are so delighted and thankful that to have been blessed by Kirk this year!"
"This was our 11th Annual Banquet and our MOST SUCCESSFUL banquet EVER! Kirk was personable, relatable, and effectively communicated the importance of our ministry in this community. And, his personal attention to the needs of our Center by meeting with us beforehand and being available afterward is unmatched!"
"Kirk really speaks from the heart. Many of our donors commented on his sincerity and his willingness to share some very personal stories. He is funny and knows how to relate to his audience. Kirk gave a lot of encouragement and hope to people that we could see an end to abortion. He was inspiring, passionate, and fabulous! Many walked away saying, 'We CAN do this!'"
"Kirk went out of his way to learn about our center, our board, staff and community. This allowed him to connect with the banquet audience. The feedback we received was all very positive. Kirk brought a level of credibility to what we do. He is a blessing to our work!"
"Kirk is a great story teller. He captures the audiences with his humor and humility. We had an excellent response with the donors making this event the most financially successful to date!"
“I wanted to let you know how thrilled we are with Kirk as our banquet speaker this year. Our giving total was the highest it has ever been in our 9 year history! In spite of some problems with the facility that caused dinner to go long and cost us valuable time on our presentation, Kirk has continued to receive rave reviews from our guests and the overall response from this banquet has been phenomenal. Kirk continues to be No. 1 in our book!”
“We broke a fundraising record. Everyone raved about Kirk’s message, his story, his humor, and his sincere interest in Robbinsdale Women’s Center. I recommend him highly to other PMC’s without reservation! We’ve been doing fundraising dinners for almost 25 years, and Kirk is truly among the best we’ve had!”
"Kirk is the real deal. He truly knows how to communicate passionately, authentically, and is very articulate. Our guests raved about the message he shared and how he shared it. We are blessed by Kirk."