Dr. Hammond has been practicing Obstetrics and Gynecology in Jackson, Tennessee for 40 years. He is board-certified by the American Board of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, is a Fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, serves as Medical Director of Clinical Research at The Jackson Clinic, and has served as the Principal Investigator for scores of clinical trials. During his career he delivered over 4,000 babies. As a resident at The Medical College of Georgia, Dr. Hammond performed more than 700 abortions. Today he is a strong proponent of the Pro-Life movement, speaking to Pro-Life groups and students on the Sanctity of Life. He has co-authored a book entitled, The Christian and Abortion: A Nonnegotiable Stance with Emily LaBonte.
“Dr. Hammond did a wonderful job sharing his story in a non-judgmental way that allowed students who were pro-choice to engage and feel welcomed. He stayed true to his message in a loving and professional manner. His story is one that I think every medical student should hear.”
“He was so genuine and personable!”
"We loved Dr. Hammond's message."
"Dr. Hammond has a compelling testimony. Several guests have commented about the amount of courage it takes to share his story. One key take away is this. If God will forgive a man who has taken the life of 700 babies, he will forgive the person who has taken the life of one baby through abortion. His presentation provided a perfect opportunity for me to emphasize our post abortion recovery Bible study."
"Dr Hammond was EXCELLENT, start to finish! He communicated with me before and after coming to be with us. He toured our center and spent quality time with us. His speaking was superb, and our banquet giving was the best it's ever been!"