Steve Arterburn


Steve Arterburn Founder and Chairman of New Life Ministries

PUBLISHING:  Stephen Arterburn’s first book Hooked On Life was published in 1984.  He has become a New York Times Bestselling and Award-Winning author with more than 15,000,000 books in print, receiving four ECPA Gold Medallion,  “Book of the Year” awards for quality and impact. The Every Man’s Battle series won two of those awards and has sold over 4,000,000 copies.  Stephen’s  publications have also been awarded one Bronze, two Gold and two Platinum  ECPA sales awards.  His most recent Gold Medallion win was 2020 in the Youth Non-fiction category where his book, Kirby McCook and the Jesus Chronicles was chosen Book of the Year. 

In addition to his books, Steve is the developer and editor of ten Specialty and Study Bibles, three of which were nominated for the Bible of the Year  Gold Medallion Award. The Spiritual Renewal Bible, published in 1999, won the Bible of the Year  Gold Medallion. The Life Recovery Bible has sold over 3,000,000 copies and is given away by Prison Fellowship and is the pew Bible for the Salvation Army. It is the 2nd all-time-best-selling Study Bible at Tyndale, only exceeded by the Life Application Bible. For over a decade it has remained on the Top Ten Best Selling Bibles list.  Steve also produced Every Man’s Bible which is currently the best-selling men’s study Bible. Sales of this Bible have increased every year since it was published in 2004.  In 2020 sales were up 87% over the previous year.  Currently Tyndale has contracted with Steve and his wife and writing partner, Misty Arterburn on three other Bible projects that will be released in 2023. 

Of the 126 books and Bibles produced by Arterburn, his most notable publications are:   Toxic Faith (Nelson 1991) The Spiritual Renewal Bible (Tyndale 1998) The Life Recovery Bible (Tyndale 1992) Every Man’s Battle (Waterbrook 2000), Every Man’s Bible (Tyndale 2004), Transformation Tyndale 2006) Healing Is A Choice (Nelson 2007) Lose It For Life (Nelson 2007), Healing Stones, (Nelson 2008) Walking Into Walls (Worthy 2011) The Seven Minute Marriage Solution 2013) Worthy of Her Trust  (Waterbrook 2014 Take Your Life Back (Tyndale 2016) Kirby McCook and the Jesus Chronicles (Tyndale 2019) The Soul of a Hero will be released in June of 2021.

SPEAKING:  In addition to his writing, Arterburn is an international speaker who has spoken in Australia, Ireland, Korea, Brazil, and Canada. In 2000 he was inducted into the National Speaker’s Association Hall of Fame in Washington D.C.   A large portion of his speaking time is allocated to raising money for Women’s Resource and Pregnancy Centers.  In 2016 he was the featured in the farewell tour of Women of Faith, which he founded in 1996 and was attended by over 5,000,000 women in packed out arenas.   Stephen is also the Teaching Pastor at Northview Church in Carmel, Indiana, the 3rd fastest growing and one of the 20 largest churches in America. 

MINISTRY:  Stephen Arterburn is a respected innovator dedicated to helping transform lives with God’s truth all over the world.   In 1988 Arterburn founded New Life Treatment Centers, a venture-capital funded organization providing Christian psychiatric and addiction treatment in secular psychiatric hospitals. Because of the impact, growth and profitability of this organization Stephen was award the Socially Responsible Entrepreneur of the Year by Ernst and Young, Merrill Lynch and Inc. Magazine.  He quickly grew that extremely profitable organization to $100,000,000 in revenues before it was purchased by Thomas Nelson Publishers. At that time, he spun off “New Life Ministries” into the current, not-for-profit ministry producing the number-one syndicated Christian counseling talk show, “New Life Live”. Many people in remote locations say it is the only wise counsel available to them.

New Life has maintained its focus on three principles since 1988: true truth, redemptive relationship and total transformation. New Life has a network of 1,000 Christian counselors and therapists around the country who help the thousands of people who call 800 NEWLIFE.  What used to be done in hospitals and treatment centers happens now in weekend intensives involving both therapists and speakers.  Every Man’s Battle, Restore for women who have been betrayed, Emotional Freedom and Intimacy In Marriage are some of the intensive weekend events conducted by New Life.

MEDIA:  Stephen Arterburn’s marketing and media mindfulness has landed him and his work with appearances on Oprah, 3 times, Good Morning America, and ABC World News Tonight.  Surprisingly he has been featured in GQ, Rolling Stone, USA Today, The New York Times, and most recently, on the cover of Recovery Magazine.

Steve has degrees from Baylor University and The University of North Texas as well as two honorary doctorate degrees including one from The California Graduate School of Theology. Steve resides with his family in Carmel, Indiana.

Steve Facebook:
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Steve Twitter: @SteveArterburn
New Life Twitter: @NewLife
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Event Reviews

"Steve was a wonderful speaker and his story is powerful. We appreciated that he took time to meet with the staff and board prior to the event."

— Care Net Pregnancy Center of Frederick

"STEVE WAS AMAZING! The only complaint we've heard is how on earth we will top him next year! Most were completely unaware of his abortion story...and that he is so stinkin' funny! He had our folks laughing one minute and in tears the next. His was truly a remarkable presentation."

— Agape Pregnancy Resource Center, TX

"Steve was excellent to work with. Very engaging speaker and perfect for our new focus on serving men. Appreciated Steve taking the time to meet staff and visit our center as well as his positive feedback on the direction we are heading with our ministry."

— Informed Choices, IL


  • Steve Arterburn: 29.48 min

  • "The Painful Consequences of Pornography" - Steve Arterburn: 20.07 min

  • Walking Through the Healing Process - Stephen Arterburn: 29.13 min

  • Stephen Arterburn - Loving a Gay Brother: 28.53 min

  • Steve Arterburn - Every Man's Battle - Pornography: 16.88 min




Ambassador was great to work with. Everyone was extremely prompt, professional, and friendly! — Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry


This is the 4th year we have used Ambassador for booking our banquet speaker.  Service is always great! — Pregnancy Help Center of Artesia


Gloria is always a joy to work with!  Her positive attitude and energy is just what I needed to calm me during the last few days prior to the event! — Pregnancy Support Center of Southside Virginia


I love working with all of you because you truly care and take care of all that needs to be taken care…You are awesome! — C. C. Hope House and The Grabriel Project