Rebekah Hagan is one of today's leading voices on unplanned pregnancies, chemical abortion, and abortion pill reversal.
Raised in a Christian home where abortion was never discussed, Rebekah’s journey into pro-life ministry was both unexpected and deeply personal. When faced with her second unplanned teenage pregnancy, she was terrified of losing her support system and began a chemical abortion that changed her life forever.
Her story, however, took a remarkable turn, and she now uses her experience to delve into the mindset of women facing unplanned pregnancies and to expose the truth about chemical abortion and its marketing.
Her testimony has been shared globally by prominent outlets, including Focus On The Family, Students For Life, Live Action, Heartbeat International, Epoch Times, The Federalist, and World Magazine.
Today, she passionately advocates for grace-centered outreach and collaborates with pregnancy help organizations worldwide.
"Rebekah was one of the best speakers we have ever had!"
"Rebekah was a joy and delight to work with. Her story is touching and she articulates her message very well."
“Rebekah's interest in our organization and our goals for the annual banquet were sincere. She seamlessly incorporated our event fundraising theme and goals into her presentation.”
“Many people have said that Rebekah was the best speaker we've had. YAY! We hit our financial goal,… twice as much as we have ever done at a banquet!”
"I was very touched by Becky's strength and conviction. Her story raises awareness and provides hope. I can tell she is eager to share her story in the hope of helping others. Seeing Zechariah come on stage gave me chills and brought me to tears! Becky Buell’s message is one that needs to be heard. You’ll never hear from the distributors of the abortion pill that it can be reversed. Becky is living testimony that it can, and the more people who hear this message, the better."
"Not only does Rebekah give an honest portrayal of fear and the feelings of a young single mother with one child, now pregnant with another, she shows the audience what God can do in the life every young single mother. She is clear about the role of pregnancy care centers for women in unplanned pregnancies and tells her story so the audience can understand why a young woman would choose abortion. As one of our attendees said, "she was one of us." We've had nothing but praise for Rebekah - she is delightful and touched the hearts of our audience."