Lauren Eden


Lauren Eden

Lauren Eden Abortion Survivor

At the age of twenty-one, Lauren Eden was surprised to learn that she survived a second trimester dilation and evacuation (D&E) abortion. Not only was this news shocking, but the series of miracles God did to save her life also confirmed that God had a unique purpose for Lauren’s life.

Although she knew she was called to share her miraculous birth story, Lauren was waiting on her mom to be ready. She spent 19 years in full time ministry, serving three churches in the Atlanta area, with a focus on Next Gen Ministries. In 2023, with her mom’s blessing, Lauren began sharing her story full time.

Lauren's passion is using her voice to help others understand the truth about abortion, being a voice for other abortion survivors and the preborn, and helping people understand the church’s role in coming alongside women who find themselves in an unplanned pregnancy. She considers herself a champion for life and for the next generation.

Lauren lives in the Atlanta area with her husband David and their three boys.


Fox News: Abortion survivors call 'Abortion is OK' billboards 'heartbreaking'

Positively Pro Life: Babies Survive Abortion Attempts

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Event Reviews

"Lauren has a compelling story which she shares with a sweet and humble spirit, full of grace and truth. She is an effective communicator who would be a great addition to any pro-life event."

— Paul Smith, Citizen Impact USA

"Lauren Eden takes the audience on a compelling, heartfelt journey of the power of hope and the power of a story to change lives. Lauren’s story exemplifies the power of never giving up and the value of every single life. Her story is rich with compassion for a mother in crisis and the power of hope. Lauren shares her story in a way that draws the audience so into her parent’s journey both before and after her birth that you forget you are listening to the story and feel like you are in the journey with her parents. Lauren shares her story with such beautiful tenderness and enthusiasm which leaves not a dry eye in the audience and makes one of the most compelling cases for the value of every single life and the value of these precious moms and dads in crisis. What I love most about her story as her story embodies God’s love for the entire family both mother and father and child and shows how HE longs to uses these dads and also the power of those outside of the family to be used by God to empower courage and hope to fight for life. Every soul on the planet must hear Lauren’s compelling testimony that I am confident will empower many mothers in crisis to choose life and give dads the hope that their voice does matter and they are instrumental in life decisions. Lauren is an anointed and called by God voice for life as she embodies gentleness, hope, compassion and the love of Jesus Christ."

— Suzanne Guy

"I met a new friend during the summer, Lauren Eden, who spoke at a General Session during NRLC 2023. As an abortion survivor, she has an amazing story about her life, speaks courageously and eloquently. Lauren Eden traveled to Pittsburgh with her son. She was immediately able to engage the audience. She delivered her amazing story eloquently and and touched every single heart in that room. She has a mighty story to tell, and it is a story every pro-lifer needs to hear. The Abortion Survivor movement grows larger every day. Let's support their efforts and help to educate our country about what abortion really is, what it does, and the value of human life. I highly recommend Lauren Eden as a speaker for any event."

— Jacki Ragan, National Right to Life

“Lauren is one of the most encouraging pro-life speakers I have ever heard. She does a great job of showing how important it is to stand up and care for mothers and babies in the times in which we live.”

— Mike Griffin, Georgia Baptist Mission Board

“Lauren Eden came to speak at our church for Sanctity of Life Sunday. I would highly recommend her to come share her incredible story to your church. The testimony of God's grace in her life is absolutely amazing and will impact your people in a way that will have lasting benefits. She is definitely somebody that will help the cause of Christ!”

— Rusty Smith, Mikado Baptist Church


  • Together for Life: 12.75 min

  • The 15 Miracle Baby: Lauren's Story: 8.02 min

  • National Right to Life Convention 2023: 34.57 min




Gloria is always a joy to work with!  Her positive attitude and energy is just what I needed to calm me during the last few days prior to the event! — Pregnancy Support Center of Southside Virginia


Ambassador, your team is AWESOME! Your turn-key service allows us to focus on the other elements of our events. — Orchards Community Church


I love working with all of you because you truly care and take care of all that needs to be taken care…You are awesome! — C. C. Hope House and The Grabriel Project


We appreciate your willingness to jump in at the last minute. You clearly understood the urgency of our situation, and responded quickly with a list of available speakers who fit our needs. You demonstrated a genuine personal desire to help solve our problem. After we selected a speaker, you made the process easy instead of requiring us to jump through numerous hoops. — CTI Group Adventure