There are three ways Connie W. Coleman can come alongside you in your efforts to grow your ministry, reach a new level in your organization, problem solve, or engage and explode your community of supporters!
-Consulting - organizational consulting, developing strategies and initiatives, course correction
-Coaching - executive coaching, group coaching, implementation, personal coaching
-Communicating - keynotes, fundraising speaker, training offerings
Connie's background includes building, developing, rebuilding businesses and Non-Profit CEO. She helped lead the North Texas Coalition of Pregnancy centers, partnering with Texas Alliance for Life as well as assisting local legislators in crafting language both for local and national efforts in the pro-life movements. She also travels the country and has spoken at national conferences, taught workshiops and led business and leadership trainings.
As a former Pregnancy Center Director trained in pro-life bio-ethics and apologetics, Connie trains Pregnancy Help organizations in the basic elements that help take them to the next level as well as shares her testimony of adoption and redemption from abortion as a Fundraising Speaker.
As a catalyst, Connie Coleman mentors those who are pushing themselves to grow in their ministry and service. Through prayer and biblical direction, she guides her students in the direction they need to thrive in their work.
Finally, Connie is a wife, mom, bonus mom, Booyah (her grandma name) and friend to many. Her passion is walking in her calling and purpose to serve Jesus and help others grow through the truths of his word.
"I heard Connie speak recently and thought "Wow!" She is really connecting this audience to the prolife challenge. Her business background keeps her clear in her presentation. Her many years of work doing pregnancy crisis intervention gives her unforgettable stories. Her biblical and apologetics background makes her a formidable foil against faulty reasoning and passive approval of injustice. I was so impressed, I asked her to join our team at PassionLife and help grow our movement's effectiveness. Connie will help you and your community answer the call with courage and compassion."
“Connie has a heart for Jesus and a desire to bring more people into close fellowship with God. She is an engaging communicator, whose devotionals help people to see themselves in the stories they encounter when they read the Bible.”
“When I think of Connie several words come to mind: passion, integrity, vision, humility, prayer, friend. In the almost 14 years I’ve known Connie, I have seen her live out the grace of God. I’ve been fortunate to have her as a friend and to observe how God has uniquely gifted her as a leader and communicator. I commend her to you without hesitation.”
“Connie is a gem. She combines a huge heart for broken people with an equipped mind ready to confront false ideas that lead souls astray. Connie has mastered the moral logic of the pro-life view. She's fine-tuned her communication skills with professional training. She is a persuasive and winsome ambassador for Christ on the most contentious issue of our day. I wholeheartedly recommend her as a speaker for your event. I'll go one step further: Please, to the extent you trust my ministry, trust hers. You will not regret that you did.”
“As my dearest friend, I have known Connie for over a decade. It has been a joy to watch her grow both spiritually and professionally, regardless of the challenges she has faced. Her character and integrity are the fruit born out of a deep relationship with God, a strong prayer life, and intentional study of God's word. She honors the truth of God, exudes the love of Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit flows forth in every area of her life. It is my honor to recommend Connie for any speaking, training, or equipping opportunity your organization may have."
“After hearing Connie speak (in several different settings) I determined that she is lead by God and passionate about life and those who defend life. She is well versed and comes with a variety experiences that have proved to be extremely helpful.”