Tim DeTellis is an author and speaker. He has written 7 books and his latest book “Good Neighbors Make Great Neighborhoods" encourages others to make where they live better by loving their neighbors. Tim serves as the president of New Missions based in Orlando, Florida.
Prior to his birth, his mother had seven children and four died so she sought medical advice from the Chief of Staff at Boston Children’s hospital and he recommended an abortion. At his birth, Tim made medical history for the number of blood transfusions. His personal testimony of his mother canceling his abortion has encouraged audiences to take a stand on behalf of the unborn.
Tim is a frequent speaker at conferences and events across the United States.
“I can definitely endorse Tim DeTellis. We’ve partnered together with Tim for many years. During that time, I’ve seen that Tim is a strong leader who lives the Gospel daily. Tim was recently at our church and shared a message on Contagious Generosity. It was well delivered and well received. I’m grateful for Tim’s friendship and ministry.”
“I enthusiastically recommend Tim as a speaker for any venue. His delivery connects with people, the message is grounded in Scriptural truth, and practical in application. What a winning combination! Tim spoke at our church and challenge the church family to a life of generosity. We’re already witnessed tangible results. You’ll enjoy his communicative style and will want him back to speak.”
“For a decade and a half, Cornerstone Church has enjoyed the speaking ministry of Tim De Tellis. Year after year, Tim consistently brings a fresh and inspiring message from the Bible. Tim communicates enthusiastically. You can count on Tim to always be relevant, inspiring, passionate, biblical and filled with spiritual wisdom.”
"Tim DeTellis is a trusted friend and faithful colleague of mine in the ministry. I have had the great privilege to partner with and witness first hand how Tim loves, serves and equips people. I have also had the opportunity to spend time ministering together with Tim in the local church. I can truly say that each time my life has been greatly sharpened and deeply enriched by Tim's leadership and his godly character. Most recently, God has been using Tim to specifically challenge and encourage myself and the members of the Kernan church family toward a greater ministry of generosity...This message of "Contagious Generosity" that Tim shared has had a tremendously powerful and freeing effect on each of our lives. I would encourage you to strongly consider inviting Tim DeTellis to share with your people about the ministry of generous living...I can promise you that you will not be disappointed."
"I firmly believe generosity is contagious. That is why I would like to recommend to you Tim DeTellis as a speaker. I have had the privilege of traveling with Tim and hosting him in my church. If you want your people to understand the heart of generosity I would challenge you to expose your people to Tim DeTellis and his passionate message of generosity.”