As a wife, mother of five beautiful children, grandmother of ten, and sister to another abortion survivor, Michele Smith survived a chemical and saline injection abortion only a few months after her sister Rose Fenchel was born having survived the same procedure.
Michele resides in Louisiana with her husband Louis where she serves as the Co-Leader for Sabine Parish Citizens for Life, Co-Leader for More Than Sisters with her survivor sister, Rose, along with serving as a 2023-24 Global Ambassador and an Awareness Advocate for The Abortion Survivors Network.
Michele and her husband are Co-Founders of Louie’s Pizza and Prayer, Inc., a non-profit organization that serves free pizza to those in need along with helping bring awareness to organizations including women’s pregnancy centers in their area.
Michele has walked through the challenges and joy of helping three of her adult children with their unplanned pregnancies within just a few weeks of each other. Through this experience, she is even more convinced that babies are always a blessing from God no matter the circumstances that surround their conception and birth.