Matt Mikalatos is the author of many books including Good News For A Change, Imaginary Jesus, and Into the Fray: How Jesus's Followers Turn the World Upside Down. Matt is driven by a passion for helping people know that they are fully known and loved by God and that they have intrinsic worth. Because of this Matt loves to speak about intimacy with Christ, what it means to be a true disciple, world missions, evangelism, the gospel and the great commission. Matt is passionate about presenting the scriptures in a way that is compelling and accurate as well as accessible. This stems from his belief that all people are made in the image of God, regardless of the political, theological, or cultural leanings. He is a popular speaker in Campus Crusade for Christ, well known for his hilarious stories illustrating the profound truths about our relationship with God.
Like many future world leaders, Matt celebrated his college graduation by beginning a career as a clerk at a comic book store. Having discovered that such work caused women to shun him, Matt took control of a high school classroom and taught American Literature and Drama (although he was best known for his riotous “study halls”). Then Matt defied all expectations by joining staff with Campus Crusade for Christ(CRU), soon after marrying his best friend, Krista.
After two years of ministering in Seattle, he and Krista moved overseas for three years, working with college students and the underground church in Asia. For the last five years, Matt has given regional leadership to the Worldwide Student Network, Campus Crusade for Christ's international sending ministry. Matt's ministry has taken him to places as diverse as Costa Rica, South Korea, Spain, Croatia, Mexico, Thailand, Hungary and closed countries in the Middle East and Asia.
Matt loves writing, speaking, and people. His articles have been featured in outlets including, Time Magazine, Relevant Magazine, Nature, and Daily Science Fiction. Matt speaks to churches, college groups, and various organizations. He draws on his breadth of experience and depth of knowledge to tailor his talks to the unique needs of each audience.
Matt, his wife, and three children live near Portland, Oregon, where Matt can blend into regular society.
To watch Matt's interview on The Today Show: Click here.