Jill Stanek


Jill Stanek




Jill Stanek Registered Nurse who discovered infanticide in her hospital

When it would have been easier to look the other way, Jill Stanek’s commitment to Christ led her to risk her job, reputation, and friendships to stop the terrible practices of abortion and infanticide.  Jill was a registered nurse in the Labor & Delivery Department at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois.  She discovered not only were abortions being committed there, but babies were being aborted alive to die without medical care.

When hospital leaders said that they would not stop, Jill went public and has become a national figure in the effort to protect both born and pre-born infants.

Jill has been quoted in the national and international media on television, radio, and in print.  There are hundreds of examples, but some include:

Associated Press, CNN, Fox News, The Guardian, Los Angeles Times, London Telegraph, MSNBC, Newsweek, New York Times, O’Reilly Factor, Politico, Time, USA Today, U.S. News and World Report, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Washington Times, and World Magazine

Jill has testified 11 times before Congressional committees and several state legislatures.  Jill’s testimony was read on multiple occasions during key U.S. Congressional debates on the Partial Birth Abortion Ban and Born Alive Infants Protection Act.

Jill remained at the hospital fighting the fight from the inside until she was terminated in 2001 for reasons related to her public outspokenness to its abortion practices.

On August 5, 2002, President George W. Bush invited Jill to his signing of the Born Alive Infants Protection Act, which will protect live aborted children from infanticide. The president publicly thanked Jill for her help during his speech.

In January 2003, World magazine named Jill as one of the 30 most prominent pro-life leaders in the movement over the past 30 years.

On November 5, 2003, President Bush invited Jill to his signing of the Partial Birth Abortion Ban, which protects partially delivered babies from being killed by abortion.

For her pro-life writing MSNBC’s liberal commentator Keith Olbermann named Jill the “Worst Person in the World!” on June 4, 2009, a badge of honor she proudly wears. In 2011 News Reel Blog named Jill one of the “Top Ten Enemies the Pro-Abortion Left Fears.” In 2015 Family Research Council awarded Jill the “Digital Pro-Life Pioneer Award,” for her pro-life blogging.

In July 2015, Jill joined Susan B. Anthony List and now serves as Community Outreach Manager for SBA’s project PLAN, the Pregnancy and Life Assistance Network. SBA works to elect pro-life leaders - with an emphasis on women, pass pro-life legislation, and prepare to safeguard pregnant mothers and babies in a post-Roe America.

Jill is a member of Parkview Christian Church in Orland Park, Illinois. She has been wife to Rich for 40 years; mother to three married children; and grandmother to 13 grandsons and one granddaughter!  She has addressed many groups at the local, national, and international levels sharing her testimony and giving an insider’s view to the atrocity of abortion.

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Event Reviews

"Jill made quite the impact at our fundraiser, many of our comments were in regard to her story and how it affected many with the reality of abortion in our country. Most people stated they considered her a true hero! Many were encouraged to hear about her political impact in our government at this time as well. I particularly appreciated her matter-of-fact nature paired with a genuinely compassionate and caring heart that came through very clearly in her presentation. Very relateable and yet profound!"

— Care Net Pregnancy Center of the Tanana Valley, AK

“Everyone has been talking about how wonderful Jill Stanek was and how much they loved the banquet this year. Someone even said it was by far our best banquet we've ever had! Jill was very personable and kind, her testimony was very well received by all of our guests. We really enjoyed having her! I would HIGHLY recommend Jill to everyone!”

— Parkland Pregnancy Resource Center

“We really enjoyed Jill as our featured speaker. I would highly recommend her to any organization looking for a pro-life speaker!”

— Life Choices Pregnancy Center


  • National Convention for Life: Jill Stanek - Whistler blower on the abortion industry: 29.22 min




Ambassador, your team is AWESOME! Your turn-key service allows us to focus on the other elements of our events. — Orchards Community Church


Gloria is always a joy to work with!  Her positive attitude and energy is just what I needed to calm me during the last few days prior to the event! — Pregnancy Support Center of Southside Virginia


Ambassador was great to work with. Everyone was extremely prompt, professional, and friendly! — Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry


We appreciate your willingness to jump in at the last minute. You clearly understood the urgency of our situation, and responded quickly with a list of available speakers who fit our needs. You demonstrated a genuine personal desire to help solve our problem. After we selected a speaker, you made the process easy instead of requiring us to jump through numerous hoops. — CTI Group Adventure