Brad Imler, Ph.D. is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. He has a Master of Science in Social Work from the University of Texas in Arlington. He has an additional Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Counseling and a Ph.D. in Psychology and Counseling from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Dr. Imler served as a counselor through the Dawson McCalister Hopeline, Irving Christian Counseling, and Rapha Christian Counseling where he provided Christian counseling services to bring hope and healing. He served as the Director of Marketing for the Minirth Clinic while also providing individual and family counseling.
In 1997, he was recruited and called into pro-life work serving as the President of America’s Pregnancy Helpline. As that ministry grew, he recognized a need for something more. The American Pregnancy Association was launched in 2003 with Dr. Imler serving as the President until 2019.
Dr. Imler leverages his education and experience to equip pregnancy centers, pastors, and others in the life-affirming ministry with the skills to intervene with individuals considering abortion during an unplanned pregnancy. He trains on counseling skills, the sanctity of human life, shame, and identity, the miracle of life, and how to present adoption with confidence. He has provided life-giving training and counseling support throughout the United States and worldwide for over 25 years.
With 56 million abortions around the world every year, Brad recognized a disparity in service accessibility globally compared to what was available in the United States. He launched and serves as the President of SOHL Global providing counseling training and equipping the global Christian community with SOHL Packs (pregnancy centers in a backpack). He also serves as the President of the Christian Adoptions Alliance promoting adoption from a Biblical and Christian perspective.
Dr. Imler’s life-giving journey includes:
-Being adopted
-Meeting his birthmother
-Participating in an abortion
-Facing infertility
-Post-abortion healing
-Growing his family through adoption